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  • Writer's pictureTinglyPig

Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Season 5 Warzone and Multiplayer Loadouts

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

Recently, because of all that's happening with the pandemic, my friends and I have been able to get online and play together more frequently. It's nice having a day where we are all able to consistently get online and hangout. While we are now jumping back and forth between COD and Marvel's Avengers, we've been honing our skills on Modern Warfare's Multiplayer and Warzone modes to prepare ourselves for the end of Season 5 and the beginning of Season 6. Below I will be discussing my current loadouts and why I'm having so much success with them.

A few things to note before I get into my loadouts:

  1. I have recently started using the Collective Minds' Dominator Strike Pack controller mod for the PS4. I'm not using cheats or anything like that but the strikepack is a great (cheaper) alternative to the Scuf controllers a lot of top players and streamers use. It's super simple to use but it gives console players the same advantages that come automatically (or at least more easily) to PC gamers. Right now I'm utilizing mods that allow me to more easily slide/crouch and pick things up/reload with the two back paddles. Instead of having to take my thumb off the right analog stick to do these actions, I just need to press the back paddles and can continue looking around surveying the area for enemies. I also have recoil reduction, fast reload, and aim assist activated. While the mod pack has been greatly helping my game play, using the loadouts (seen below) with a normal controller and no added mods has still been a lot of fun and I've been able to do very will in both multiplayer and plunder rounds.

  2. I also have some settings in game that I've changed to help my style of play. Being colorblind, I have a very difficult time using the mini map and distinguishing enemy players from the background. I have my colorblind settings at interface. This works well for me and my type of colorblindness but I have a few non-colorblind friends who now utilize this setting as well because they say "things look more vivid." The second setting I've changed is the use/reload behavior which I have changed to contextual tap. This allows me to open things or pick items up by tapping the square button (or my left back paddle when using the mod pack) instead of holding the button down. More than once this has allowed me to rapidly loot buildings and enemies while trying to stay ahead of the gas or get out of fire. The final setting I adjusted was the horizontal and vertical speeds, which have been adjusted to an 11. With this setting at a mid-range level, I can easily sprint, slide, and spin all in one motion. I haven't had to do this a lot in Plunder or Royale but I've used it often in multiplayer modes.

  3. When I'm playing multiplayer I'm like most other players, with the exception of snipers, and just run towards the objective. When I play Plunder or Royale, I play with a team who focuses heavily on strategy and teamwork. My loadouts for those two modes put me in a position where I am either the first one to enter a room with another squadmate or rush in after to finish off the rest of the enemy squads. Our squad always has two pushers, one sniper, and one person who can lay down a high amount of cover fire.

The loadouts below are not listed in order from favorite to least favorite, they're organized based on how they appear in the custom loadouts screen on Modern Warfare.

Custom Loadout 1: Shot Caller

Coming in at the number one spot, is my Shot Caller loadout. I have it set up so I can run in the middle position of my team, handle opponents at a relatively long distance using my assault rifle then rush in to assist my teammates who are pushing, with my MP5.

I've designed my M4A1 to allow me to track and attack enemies at a longer range. I've added the monocle reflex sight to increase my range and accuracy. I prefer this scope over some other scopes that increase range even more, because this one is quicker to pull up when I need to aim, but still allows me to hit enemies and vehicles farther than I would without a scope. I've found the greatest success using the monocle scope when I pair it with the tac laser. The tac laser allows me to use my rifle at a closer range by utilizing hip-fire but it also helps me track an enemy when I am aiming and looking through the reflex sight. The monolithic suppressor continues to increase the M4's range while also suppressing sound. I've got the stock M16 grenadier barrel attachment to help with the gun's control and then finish off with a 60 round magazine attachment.

M4A1 Long Range

My secondary weapon in this Shot Caller loadout is the MP5, specifically the blueprint version the Flood. While I am still working on increasing the level of this gun to get better attachments, the combination of this gun and the M4A1 has worked incredibly well. The sleight of hand perk allows me to reload my 45 round mags faster to get more bullets into enemies while my operator foregrip, forge tac ultralight stock, and FSS mini give me increased mobility, accuracy, and fire rate. In order to balance the loadout, I wanted a gun that would give me increased speed while sprinting. The mobility that the Flood offers allows me to traverse the Verdansk terrain and multiplayer maps easily and efficiently. The Flood is a great weapon for pushing enemies because of its high damage and fire rate. Compared with other SMGs, in a 1 v 1 fire fight, the MP5 tends to come out on top.

To go along with my primary and secondary weapons, I'm also utilizing the double time (often swapped with cold blooded), overkill, and amped perks. My lethal and tactical slots are filled with C4 and the heartbeat sensor (in multiplayer modes I use the stun grenade in place of the heartbeat).

Custom Loadout 2: Cinderella

If you were to ask me to pick a go to loadout right now, it would probably be this one. It's the total package, the belle of the ball, the fairy godmother of all my loadouts. Why do I call it Cinderella? Because I can clean out a room with it. My M4A1 has the same attachments as the M4 in my shot caller loadout, again giving me the ability to take down enemies at mid-long range with the monocle sight and the tac laser but the Harpy (MP7) is was makes this loadout so lethal.

Just like with the Flood (MP5), the Harpy (MP7) gives me a burst of speed with its high mobility. This movement speed isn't as beneficial in multiplayer as it is in modes like Plunder and Royale, but it still makes a difference and is necessary when carrying a larger weapon in the other slot. The 60 round mag has helped me mow through enemies without having to reload and potentially getting knocked myself. I also have the FSS Recon barrel, tac laser, Commando Foregrip, and Sleight of Hand attached to complete this design. Combined with the mid-long range M4A1, the Harpy allows me to easily lead the squad into a building and clean a room. Bippity. Boppity. Boo.

To go along with my primary and secondary weapons, I'm also utilizing the double time (often swapped with cold blooded), overkill, and amped perks. My lethal and tactical slots are the C4 and heartbeat sensor (in multiplayer modes I use the stun grenade in place of the heartbeat or the stim pack).

Custom Loadout 3: Fire and Ice

I should probably say that I have found the M4A1 to be the most reliable gun. I know a bunch of other people would argue against that, but for my style of play the M4 is able to do everything. That's why it's the primary weapon in my first, second, and third loadout. I've backed off on some of the range for this M4 but it's able to help me at the mid-range with hip fire shots and high ammo capacity. The skull camo, to me, looks like fire which is why its icy counter part is the perfect combination.

The Glacial Polish blueprint for the Uzi has been super successful for me in maps where long range gameplay is more likely to happen. Even though I get longer range with the M4A1 in other loadouts, the canted hybrid scope on the Uzi allows me to pelt people with fast firing SMG shots from a longer distance. Perched on the roof of buildings I can easily take out one or two enemies crossing the road or an entire squad attempting to deposit cash at a helicopter pad. With the accuracy increased and the ammunition at 40 round mags, I can easily help my teammates from a mid-range distance as they push or deposit cash into balloons. This loadout is typically saved for Plunder or Royale rounds and not very often used in multiplayer modes.

To go along with my primary and secondary weapons, I'm also utilizing the double time (often swapped with cold blooded), overkill, and amped perks. My lethal and tactical spots are filled withI the C4 and heartbeat sensor.

Custom Loadout 4: Wonder

This is my newest loadout and the one that I have been experimenting with the most. As I watch professional players and streamers, I try to figure out what guns and attachments work the best and then adapt them to my playing style. I don't like to sit back and snipe but I'm also not as ballsy as some of the players who get 20-30 kills in a royale. I'm a decent player who prioritizes strategy and teamwork above everything else. This particular loadout is one that I am only using in multiplayer so I can get high kills and level the weapons up faster. I don't expect to use this combination for long, but I have found myself easily getting 20-30 kill games so the combination does work.

In the primary slot I am running the AUG. It has a high damage for an SMG so if enemies are stacked on top of each other, it absolutely melts through them. As mentioned above, I am still leveling this gun up so this isn't my final form of this gun but it's the best that I've got so far. In multiplayer rounds I can easily achieve score streaks by running towards the enemies like a berserker. I've used this only once in a round of Plunder but found that I was able to easily wipe out a squad who tracked my team to the top of a building using a bounty. When I run out of ammo and want to go completely berserk, I use my secondary weapon...

The Origin 12 shotgun is simply a beast. Originally I was working on unlocking dragon breath for my VLK Rogue shotgun, but the fire rate of the Origin 12 and the different attachments make it feel better to play with. This gun can be used in any multiplayer mode and can dominate if used correctly. The faster fire allows me to hit enemies with fast high damage rounds. I have found this especially useful in close quarter maps and in games where both teams are rushing towards each other. The monolithic suppressor increases range and reduces sound, the 25 round drum mags allows me to clear out a room with multiple enemies without having to worry about reloading, the sleight of hand increases reload speed, and the tac laser and commando foregrip help increase overall accuracy and control. As much as I love using this gun, being killed by a shotgun is probably one of the most frustrating things in this game, aside from getting killed by snipers or melee weapons.

Because I am only using this loadout in multiplayer modes I am using the double time, overkill, and amped perks and using C4 and stim pack for my lethal and tactical slots (respectively).

Custom Loadout 5: Beast

I mentioned how the Cinderella loadout is my current go to, this next loadout is giving it a run for its money. As of right now, this is another loadout that I am only using in multiplayer modes so I can level the weapons up faster. My goal is to have the right attachments on the weapons so I can swap them out, when necessary, with their assault rifle and SMG counterparts in the first three loadouts.

In the primary position is the Fennec. I'd utilized this gun very briefly when I first unlocked it but quickly put it aside due to its super high recoil. I found that while the weapon's fire rate helped dispatch enemies quickly, keeping the shots on target was more difficult than I wanted. It wasn't until I saw a post made by the streamer Thinnd saying his new room clearing loadout was the Vector (Fennec) and Ram-7 that I put this back into my loadout and added the Ram as a secondary. I haven't added all the perks that I want in order to mimic Thinnd's build, but I'm steadily on my way there.

To see my eventual goal for these guns, check out Thinnd's Instagram post on his "2nd Pusher Class"

Custom Loadout 6: Royale 2

My sixth loadout is the one that I originally had as my go to in Plunder and Royale rounds when I first started the game. When I'm in the mood to blow something up, I still use this loadout but for the most part I use it when I either need to clear out a squad from a rooftop and my squad has access to a helicopter or if we've gotten a second loadout drop in a game Royale. For those of you who haven't utilized the method to use ghost and overkill at the same time all you have to do is pick your loadout that has overkill at your first loadout drop. Use this until your second one falls or you purchase a second one from a buy station. When you are able to get to a second loadout drop (and still have all your stuff from the first one), equip the loadout that has ghost as a perk and then just pick up the weapons that were with the original overkill loadout. That's what this loadout does for me, makes me invisible but packs a punch.

Again I'm using the M4A1 so I can have a decent mid-range to (kind of) long range weapon that has a decently high fire rate and ammo capacity. The RPG in the secondary slot allows me to easily destroy vehicles or bombard opposing squads hunkered down on roofs. Before I created the first five loadouts, this was the loadout I utilized in Plunder. I could easily set up shop in an area with a helicopter pad and decimate teams as they were running to deposit their cash.

The game allows for up to ten customized loadouts, but right now I'm only running these six. My next goal is to unlock the Finn LMG, which requires you to get 1 melee kill with an LMG in seven different matches so I do have that in one of my loadouts but it's only equipped with a pistol. As we move into season six, I imagine that I will be utilizing these loadouts as I work my way up the Battle Pass tiers. I am going to continue experimenting with loadouts, trying different battle strategies, and figuring out what weapons work well together so expect another post about loudouts or tips soon. Until then, have fun and make good choices.

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