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New Year's Resolutions - 100 Video Games Scratch Off Bucket List

Updated: Dec 27, 2019

Just like with the start of any other New Year, people have made their resolutions and have either started, failed, or are still planning what they have said they would like to achieve. It's unclear where New Year resolutions started. We know that medieval knights, probably King Arthur's round table buddies, renewed their vow of commitment to chivalry at the end of each Christmas season. We also know that different religions have been praying and making resolutions to their gods at the end of the year. Ancient Romans, when they weren't battling monsters or admiring Hercules, prayed to the god Janus, the namesake of the month of January to wish for a positive New Year. Regardless of when this tradition started, it continues today. Every January 1st, men, women, and children all name at least one thing they would like to accomplish during the year. I have set my own goals for 2019. I have a few different things I would like to accomplish with the, now 355 days left of the year. Yes, I know I am late posting about this but when I asked my students to do a five minute quick write about what they wanted to accomplish in the New Year, it got me thinking... so it's taken me a little while to get this out there. I have health goals, home goals, and professional goals, but what about gaming goals?

I've been collecting video games since I was about six years old. Although it doesn't seem that long ago for someone as old as KateEm (see our "About Us" section for more information), for me that's quite a long time. The first system I ever had that I could call my own was my dad's Super Nintendo. Games like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong Country, and Super Mario Bros. (1, 2, and 3) were what I grew up on. Eventually I tried one of my older cousins' PlayStation systems and eventually was handed down his PS2. All of that started my love for gaming and my video game collection. Now I can say I am the proud owner of many different gaming systems from Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega, and Atari. My family knows I love gaming, even if I do rage every now and then, and my friends now I am passionate about it as well. That's why DaGunner (again, see our "About Us" page to learn more) gave me a bucket list poster: 100 Games Scratch Off Bucket List.

If you haven't heard of these they are full sized posters that have a list of, in this case, video game titles. There is a box above each title and when you play that particular video game, you get to scratch that box to reveal a unique image for that game. So now, because of this awesome gift, I have my list of the 100 different games I need to play this year. Some of them I have already played and beaten (i.e. Spyro, Red Dead Redemption, and Pac-Man) but most of them I have not yet. For the games that I have already beaten, I plan on playing them again for a little while and then scratching them off the list. For the games that I haven't played yet, well it's time to get on that.

While I hope to achieve the more important goals I briefly mentioned above (health, home, and professional goals), scratching off all or at least most of the video game titles on my 100 Video Games Scratch Off Bucket List poster is definitely something I hope to achieve in 2019 as well. With that being said, I invite you to think about what your New Year's Resolutions might be. What could you do this year to become the best you possible? What video games do you hope to play or beat this year? Think about it and I hope you achieve your goals.

For more information on the Scratch Off Bucket Lists check out this site

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1 comentário

16 de jan. de 2019

Well tbh! We really want to achieve championship tier in rocket league trying new games and more vr . But on new games the walking dead is definitely one we must play and for our actual New Years resolution is health and home goals . This year has been amazing with friends getting married (congratulations TinglyPigTyler and Emily). And even celebrating wedding anniversarys Friends meeting up, care packages sent. So thank you for a awesome blog and to all our friends we love you guys and thank you for being true friends to everyone’s happy new year hope it’s a great one with love peace happiness. X-o-X

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