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  • Writer's pictureTinglyPig

Vault Hunters: The Return to Pandora

Updated: Dec 27, 2019

Before we begin discussing Borderlands 3 I must warn you. If you do not know the story of the vault hunters of Pandora you have two options. Option #1: Stop reading this, go grab some snacks and drinks, tell your family and friends you'll be out of reach for a while, and play Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, and Tales from the Borderlands. This option will fill you in on the story of Pandora and you'll be able to shoot and explode things! Option #2: Take the easy (but still enjoyable... I'm talking to you, bookworms) way and go here to read the story of Pandora, thus far. With that warning out of the way, let's carry on. Borderlands three has been out for a few months now, and it is FANTASTIC. Blogs and videos have been posted all over the internet describing the game, providing tips and tricks for missions, and giving methods to farm legendary loot. It's taken me a while to finally publish, but I've finally done it. So, here it is.

Before I could actually get my hands on the game, I did some research on the game production and its characters. I'm the type of gamer who wants to know what he's in for before he embarks on a virtual journey. I plan things, I strategize, then when I get into a game all hell breaks loose! I love it! For me, one of the most appealing features of the Borderlands franchise is the customization of characters and their builds. Before I play the game, I like to have an idea of which character might best fit my playing style for both solo and multiplayer or co-op play throughs. Below is what I found through my research (with links attached) and I hope, if you strategize like I do, that you find this post interesting and useful. As Claptrap would say, "Things are about to get awesome!"

Starting off with some information on the game before we get into the nitty gritty of the characters, Borderlands 3 has been out for just about three months, released by 2k, Gearbox, and Borderlands. Just like its predecessors, it's rated M for Mature because of "blood and gore, intense violence, sexual themes, and strong language." You know, the things that make the games fun. This action role-playing first person shooter is extra fun, not because of its big explosions, although that is a bonus, but because of its combination of single player, multiplayer, and co-op modes. This means that you can kick butt just like Han, solo, join your squad online, or relax on the couch and enjoy the game via co-op mode with your bestie. For me, this is one of the best features of the Borderlands series. Having the choice to grind through the game on solo or join up with some friends makes the experience so much better.

Sticking to tradition, the game begins with Marcus telling a story. In this opening scene we learn that previous vault hunters have helped save Pandora despite all the hardship caused by those who have attempted to destroy it in their search for the coveted vaults. Two new tyrants, the Calypso Twins, have made their way into the scene and a new group of vault hunters are required if the good people of Pandora are to survive. When Marcus finishes his story we meet the four new vault hunters.

Amara, the siren, is an offensive powerhouse. Her siren abilities allow her some support skills (i.e. healing herself and others and phasegrasping enemies to temporarily sideline them) but as a whole, her skill tree is very offensive based. If you enjoy the role of tank/support, this is the character for you. In all the Borderlands games, I have chosen to play as the siren. Depending on if I am playing by myself or with a group of friends, I use Amara's skills differently. Because of her hybrid role as a tank and support character, I can't wait to help dominate the battlefield as this character.

FL4K, the character predicted to be the most played, is the beastmaster - a hunter who has a way with animals. Not only is FL4K a bonafide AI badass, but his pets are too. With his four different pets at his side, FL4K is one of the more dynamic characters in the game as his skill trees allow him to upgrade both his and his pets' abilities. One of my friends has been able to master the game as FL4K and has found him to be a boss destroying machine. By upgrading certain skills in FL4K's skill tree, he easily and almost constantly gets critical hits, which allow the better weapons of the game to keep hitting without wasting ammo. When I begin my second playthrough (I'd like to play at least some of the game as each character), FL4K is going to be my first choice.

Moze is the Vault Hunter best classified as a gunner. With her iron bear mech suite, not much can stand in her way. Moze is another character with a very dynamic skill tree because her mech suite allows her to equip multiple attachments that allow for maximum carnage. One of the coolest things about playing as Moze is that her mech suite has a built in seat for a second player to utilize. While you are destroying the onslaught of psychos and bandits in the main part of the suite, a friend can climb on top and man the gatling gun resting on top.

The final playable Vault Hunter (as of right now) is Zane the Operative. Zane is a character best suited for the tacticians. Gamers who enjoy dealing high amounts of damage while remaining undercover will enjoy this character. Zane's skill tree allows him to create a hologram of himself that can fire weapons or throw grenades at passing enemies while also absorbing damage and creating a distraction. Super efficient at taking down airborne enemies, Zane's auto piloted drone soars across the battlefield taking focus away from you and dealing damage with its mini guns and rockets. Zane's last ability is to drop a shield that you and your teammates can hide behind when your health is getting low and you need your shield to recharge.

When I play any Borderlands game, I typically start the game off playing solo so I can get a feel for the controls and overall layout of the game. I went through the first mission of the game playing by myself. Just like my playthroughs of the other games, I chose to play as the siren. I love the combination of offensive badass and support. Amara, the siren for Borderlands 3, is an offensive power house who also possesses some support skills once you move farther down the skill tree.

I haven't completed the full game yet, I'm a teacher so I don't have as much time as I'd like, but each time I've gone back to Pandora, I've completed the main story missions and all the side quests. Destroying the Psychos and Badasses in side missions are great ways to level up your characters and get potentially great gear. I obviously don't know all the secrets of the game yet, but one source that has been helping me find specific foes who drop legendary loot can be found here. I've used this source to collect about 20 legendary weapons within about a forty five minute period.

One great thing about the entire Borderlands series is the community that surrounds it. All day long I receive updates on Twitter (@TinglyPig4815) informing me about game updates, tips and tricks for certain missions, and Shift codes that I can use to collect Gold Keys. If you aren't already following Borderlands 3 on Twitter or Instagram, I would definitely do that. The community is a great one to be a part of and the Shift Codes for keys is a major boost in the game.

Since the game has been out for so long now, people have cruised through the game and are crushing bosses. There are now tons of character builds that everyone claims are the best builds to get through the game. I keep switching back and forth between builds for my Amara character, but overall, I can attest to the truth that these following builds are great for anyone starting out in the game. Many of the "Godzerker" builds out there are only achievable after completing the game and unlocking all the skill points. Once you are onto Mayhem Mode, I'd definitely change to those builds so that you can demolish bosses and really farm legendaries, but for now, these will get you well rounded characters who are capable of taking down enemies with strong offensive abilities, protect yourself and allies with support capabilities, and absorb the inevitable damage that will eventually find you. Each of the builds below gets you as far in each tree as possible to allow for multiple ability combinations.

The humor, destruction, and chaos keep you entertained for each play-through of the game and the hand drawn visuals are always something to marvel at. As far as movement and control of the characters go, this is my favorite Borderlands game. The movement with the added sliding ability makes the battles so much more fun and traveling across the environment is much smoother. I can't wait to finish the game! I plan on completing the story, hopefully during the winter break. All-in-all, this is a great game and one that I highly recommend. If you are a fan of the Borderlands series, it's a must. And if you are a fan of mass destruction wrapped comedic genius, this game is for you. Good luck Vault Hunters!

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